"The theatre is a temple of Life. this is where we go to tell stories, hear stories, watch our own lives retold, or learn to understand the lives of others. We come there to laugh, to cry, to learn, to remember, to forget, to think, to feel, to share, to breathe."
Frode Gjerløw is an Oslo-based, award-winning performer, theatre director and multi-disciplinary artist and actor.
Hailing from Sandefjord, Norway, Frode Gjerløw trained at the prestigious International Theatre school Jacques Lecoq in Paris (2009-2011) before he moved to London.
He co-founded Crank Theatre and Superbolt Theatre, and has proudly starred in and co-authored all their work.
Following the international success of Superbolt's the Jurassic Parks, Frode has moved on to direct at several theatres in Norway, including Teater Vestland, Teater Ibsen, Brageteateret, Ole Bull Scene, Det Vestnorske Teatret, Folketeateret and Riksteatret.
In 2018 he completed his debut short film as a director, The Dam for Channel 4's Random Acts (UK).
Frode also writes plays, designs sets and costume and composes music.
As an actor he can be seen at Norway's leading improv theatre Det Andre Teatret.